RG Bar Investment Group
Private Investment Management
Professionally managed client portfolios with personal service
The Private Investment Management advisory program is a customized client portfolio management program geared toward your specific investment goals.
Professional, personalized Portfolio Management
When selecting the securities for your portfolio, we conduct a detailed analysis of companies, industries and overall economic conditions. The construction process attempts to maximize returns while minimizing risk to the overall portfolio.
Potential benefits of a managed portfolio
By appointing experienced investment professionals to provide you with investment advice, manage your portfolio and re-balance your investment mix when necessary, you free yourself from the time-consuming task of choosing and actively monitoring your investments. After allocating your investments, we continually manage your portfolio and its performance. As part of this process, we ensure that your portfolio remains invested in financial instruments most suited to your current needs and objectives.
Private Investment Management Summary
Ability to hold a wide range of asset types within one portfolio, potentially eliminating the need for multiple accounts
Top-quality portfolio management expertise and personal services for individuals and institutions who demand a high level of experience and personal service
One fee based on the size of your advisory account rather than traditional trade-based commission charges associated with brokerage accounts
The minimum account size for this program is just $50,000.